Imitation at padel pledge of progress

Is imitating one of the best ways to learn padel ? This is a teaching method that can help the youngest to acquire good reflexes. Let's take a look at the pros and cons.

Playing a racket sport requires a minimum of technique, practice, and especially automation of gestures.

The monitors de padel are the people who help and train at padel. Technical, tactical, behavior on the track, their role is to adapt the padel to the student to “create” a player with his own character and identity.

Then there are the players professionals. These people that we see on the screens, that we admire and want to copy. These players are for the most part inaccessible and we can only learn from them through the screens.

Some offer videos, tutorials, but for our darlings, these videos do not inspire them. On the other hand, watching the games on television, recording them, repeating sequences, can become a game for our young players. Without necessarily realizing it, children copy the technique and movements of the best players in the world as shown in the video below.

Another way to continue learning the technique are some video games where you have to stand in front of the screen and perform the gestures to earn the points. No games yet padel but the tennis games are complementary.

So know that all means are good to interest and advance your child. With a monitor for the base, development and surpassing oneself, and screens for continuity at home, to increase the passion for the sport and get closer to the idols.

So for or against imitation? To imitate the great professional players yes, but to imitate “technically” his monitor. padel would be a brake on the development of the child who needs to find his game and not reproduce a pattern. On the other hand, copying the attitudes and the language of the instructor can become a future force. Parents, monitors, it's up to us.

Published by
Julien Bondia