Mario debriefs: public clubs and private clubs, equally?

Tonight, find the 3rd program of “Mario debrief” with this explosive subject: are public clubs and private clubs equal?

A subject that may not make everyone agree. The team will try to discuss it with one of the actors of the padel French, the co-manager of Sète Padel Club Guillaume Lary.

Many topics will be covered:

  • Is the economic model of private structures viable? In the short term? The long term ?
  • Le padel in France in 10 years, how can private and public coexist? Can they unite and work together?
  • What are the risks of deviations?

Find your show tonight at 20:45 p.m. with host Mario Cordero, who brings together a historic duo: Thibault Perreon and Pierre Gadras, the most famous pair on the blog “Le Padel for Dummies"

Go live for “Mario debriefs” at 20:45 p.m. on Padel Magazine TV:

Published by
Franck Binisti