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Touchtennis, mini tennis?

Do you like mini tennis? Then you will necessarily like the touchtennis. We will present the similarities and differences between mini tennis and touchtennis.

We are not going to hide it: Many players have already played mini tennis, directly or indirectly. Indeed mini tennis is sometimes present in tennis clubs. And many tennis players have already played on these tiny tennis courts. Sometimes even by replacing the classic tennis ball with a foam ball for the little ones or with a beginner (soft) tennis ball.

The resemblance even goes as far as mimicry in terms of dimensions. the dimensions of a mini tennis court are almost the same. Officially, a mini tennis has the following dimensions: 10,97 m long by 5,485 m. The height of the net in the middle is 0,80 m. These dimensions can be adapted and increased to a maximum of 12 m and
6 metres.

In touch tennis, we are on 6m * 12m doubles and 5m * 12m doubles. And the height of the net is 0.85m.

To continue in the comparison, in mini tennis, we have already played with a junior tennis racket ... Well in the touchtennis, we play with a junior racket! Inevitably, there is therefore at the disposal of this sport material already ready. And it is also for brands, a way of finding new outlets for its junior equipment for the benefit of older children.

So you are going to ask us: but then why invent a new name for something that we have known in reality for a very long time ...

The inventor of Touchtennis, Rashid Ahmad who lives in England, formalized this sport, by setting up official dimensions and rules. The ball also plays an essential role and is perhaps THE difference with mini tennis. Because it is a foam ball, a little larger than a tennis ball.

Published by
Franck Binisti
Tags: touch tennis