Nutrition: an important factor in sports performance

If you want to progress as a player of padel, you should not focus exclusively on the technical and tactical part (which is obviously very important), because the performance of a player does not depend only on this, but the diet plays a very important role.


Often, we believe that a sport is only about performing certain movements to perfection, forgetting that there are fundamental aspects such as mental preparation, physical fitness, rest, and of course, nutrition.

Here are 10 tips:


  1. Start by studying your physical constitution in order to know your percentage of body fat, and muscle mass (the BMI is used "almost" for nothing). It would be important to consult a nutritionist to do a first study.


  1. Depending on your physical activity, you must ensure sufficient caloric intake. Obviously, training with two daily sessions is not the same as three or four times a week. The amount of food to eat varies with calories burned.


  1. You must have a diet high in carbohydrates, especially those contained in foods such as pasta, potatoes, fruits, etc. It is good to eat these foods because they will provide, in addition to their nutrient intake, they will provide the fiber needed for your body.


  1. Depending on the intensity of your workout, you need to provide adequate protein intake through your diet. Sometimes it may be wise to eat high-protein dietary supplements, but be careful, this should be recommended by a doctor or nutritionist.


  1. It is important that you eat “good quality” lipids, mono and poly saturated fatty acids, while limiting saturated fatty acids as much as possible. Therefore, you should eat olive oil, and foods rich in omega 3 and 6. While avoiding animal oils.


  1. Remember something basic: Drink plenty of water every day. A good tip is that you don't wait until you are thirsty to drink. You should get into the habit of having a glass of water as soon as you wake up, and another before lunch and one before dinner. Of course, you should hydrate yourself during your practices and matches.


  1. Take into account functional foods. These are the ones rich in vitamins and minerals. Sometimes they are forgotten. Eat fruits, and vegetables for your vitamin intake. Use isotonic drinks after exercise to recover lost minerals.


  1. The ideal in a balanced diet is to eat 5 times a day. And yes, the rhythm of 3 meals a day is bad for the body. It is important that if you spend some time without eating, do not make up for the previous meals in one meal.


  1. Take care of your diet before, during and after exercise.


  1. After physical activity, be sure to rest to let your body recover from the effort.
Published by
Alexis Dutour