Open 4PADEL Valenciennes: P250 men

It's time for our second approved tournament of the year 2019 at 4PADEL Valenciennes from March 15-16, 2019

the 4Padel de Valenciennes offers to participate in a P250 GENTLEMEN


Qualifiers: Friday 15 Mars from 19h00

Final Draw and Classification Matches: Saturday 16 Mars from 9h00 to 16h00

How do we register?

By Phone 0777347806 or by Email on

No partner?

The 4PALDE Valenciennes takes care of it. Register anyway and specify if you are a right or left player.

First tournament? no license?

the 4PADEL Valenciennes can create one for you in the center in just a few clicks (29 euros valid for one year and
allows you to do all the tournaments!)


Published by
Franck Binisti