Overgrips: why use them at padel ?

The grips and overgrips arise on the handle of our pala. Why and how to use them so that our game is as efficient as possible?

For those who have never used a grip or an overgrip, these are bandages that are applied to the handle of our pala. They are posed from the end of the handle towards the center of the pala, all plastic removed, adhesive tape applied last to maintain everything.

Palas are sold with an original grip. This grip, if it is not protected, degrades quickly with friction and especially perspiration.

Unlike tennis, padel it is not possible to choose the thickness of the handle when purchasing a racquet. A standard size that does not necessarily suit all players and all hands, and when you know that an unsuitable sleeve thickness can lead to elbow tendonitis ...

So what to do? Use grips or overgrips! What is the difference ? The grips are much thicker than overgrips and are used to replace the original grip. What players use the most are overgrips (or overgrips in English), thinner and generally less expensive. Although there are several thicknesses, they are all roughly similar.

Magnify the handle

This is the first use we give to overgrips. By superimposing several overgrips and placing them tightly, you can quickly take your sleeve the extra millimeters that will allow you to better grip it. Do not be afraid, some players put up to ten.


It's up to you to find the brand and overgrip that suits you so that you are comfortable. Thicker, thinner, perforated or smooth, sticky or absorbent, there are hundreds. There is nothing we can do for you, it is up to you to test, to try, and above all to learn how to ask them. Overgrips are also used for dry hands or wet hands.


It is also to absorb and wick away perspiration that overgrips are made. During matches, we sweat and during hot seasons or indoor, our hand tends to get wet. Overgrips are used to absorb this perspiration so that the pala is not uncontrollable. Do not hesitate to wear a sponge wrist to prevent sweat from the arm flooding your sleeve. Small advice for those who would not want to change their overgrip too often: let the handle of your racket dry once at home because the simple fact of leaving the pala in its bag does not allow correct drying of the overgrip and degrades it.


A slippery handle has nothing to do on a padel. Although you have the strap (mandatory) in case you let go of your pala, it is still better to invest in equipment that will allow you better support. Some players change their overgrip every set. Having a non-slip handle allows you to have much more control during the strike and above all avoids over-straining the forearm to hold the pala. Advice ; this is the lowest part of the neck which prevents you from letting go of the pala. No adhesive tape or other plastic there.

Overgrips should be part of your equipment. They exist at all prices. It's up to you to see how useful it is, if it's for padel leisure a few times a month, or padel intense several times a week. Comfort, humidity, grip, you know it all. Take the time to test and, above all, learn to apply them yourself, it is not complicated and it will allow you to find “yours” magic formula.

Published by
Julien Bondia