P2000 Pyramids: and the selected pairs are…

The final list of male pairs selected for the final draw of the P2000 club des Pyramides and for the qualifications has just been released.

The qualifications of the P2000 ladies and gentlemen will begin Friday at 13 p.m. The chicken invitations will be posted at the Pyramids club on Friday noon and will be sent by email to the players.

You can see on the men's side that a waiting list has been set up in the event of the withdrawal of a selected pair.

The draw for the main draw will be done on Friday late afternoon and the line-up early evening. We will communicate them to you later.

Note that a Bergeron / Inzerillo pair will eventually be present. Indeed, the two players were to participate in FIP Tour tournaments (in Cairo for Johan, in the Netherlands for Jérôme), but they will not travel abroad in the end.

The pairs Thomas Leygue / Bastien Blanqué and Johan Bergeron / Jérôme Inzerillo having the same number of points, a draw will be made to find out which will be the TS1 and TS2.

As we told you in a previous post, the Franco-Spanish pair Maigret / Gaspar will be one to watch closely. Indeed, Jose Carlos Gaspar Campos is currently the 104th player in the FIP ranking. Adrien Maigret will be positioned on the left this time since his partner is left-handed.

Published by
Franck Binisti
Tags: P2000