Mind Padel re-attack from July 4 the tournaments of padel with the famous tournament category P25: The P25 BULLPADEL EXPERIENCE.

Mind Padel Lyon will offer during the whole tournament -30% on all snowshoes BullPadel only this Saturday 04 July

All snowshoes in the new range will be available for testing. The player will be challenged to play with a racket BullPadel Of his choice.
He can of course change rackets between each part in order to try as many as possible.

All rackets in the new range will be available for testing and players will be encouraged to play with them during the tournament.

This tournament will be limited to a maximum team weight of 4000 point.

That is to say that a team made up of a player classified 2850th and other 750th (team weight 3600) will not be able to register for the tournament.

On the other hand, a player classified 2750th can team with another player classified 1250th (team weight 4000) or more.

The tournament will take place over one day from 13 p.m. and each player will be guaranteed to play at least 4 games.

A desire to register: inscription @ spiritpadel.com

Published by
Franck Binisti