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Pau, land of kings and padel : a P1000 for the crown in September!

Did you know?

Béarn is a land of KINGS. In 1553 Henri IV was born in the famous castle of Pau. Easy, you have all heard of King Henri IV… But did you know that another king was born in Pau?

This is Jean-Baptiste Jules BERNADOTTE, born in 1773. And yes! It was a Béarnais who was the first king of Sweden from the Bernadotte line which reigns since 1818. This is another magnificent common point between two places where the padel explodes: Sweden, and therefore Béarn!

Pau, beyond its tourist and historical aspect, is a city to discover with your snowshoe padel , during your future holidays. To date, there are 18 covered pitches for a population of +/-
160 inhabitants... it's a dream, isn't it?

And the icing on the cake, the first 1% store padel in France @EnglishPadelShopPau is installed there, to the delight of aficionados of padel.

Moreover, the store, which is celebrating its 6 months of operation, is a partner of the very first P1000 in Pau, which will take place in Heather at the end of the summer. A question burns the lips of the Béarnais: who will be the princes of padel who will win this tournament to be held from September 2 to 4, 2022?

Summer promises to be busy near Pau. Discover an adapted program that will allow you to get to know the Pau conurbation from top to bottom:

  • In July, you will have the opportunity to attend the Tour de France, visit the castle (of Pau) and do your shopping in the French store Padel Shop Pau
  • In August, you can take advantage of the good weather to stroll at the foot of the Pyrenees and challenge the people of Pau at the padel
  • And finally on September 2-3-4, icing on the cake, you can try your luck to win the royal crown during the "Tournament of KINGS" at Les Bruyères.

An enticing program that won't leave you hungry all summer long!

Published by
Nasser Hoverini