Categories: NEWSInterviews

Pierre Frolla in “Le FACE-à-FACE” - Friday April 24 - 18 PM

Pierre Frolla is one of the greatest freedivers in the world. He will be our guest in FACE-à-FACE from Friday April 24 at 18 p.m. With 4 records to his credit, he remains today one of the great references of this discipline.

Origins and containment

1- This particular man accustomed to the great outdoors, what does he do to keep fit during these complicated moments?

2- We will also return to the history of Pierre Frolla, his journey, how did he end up being one of the greatest freedivers in the world?

3- And inevitably, we will talk padel : How did he dive so far ... to play padel ? Are there bridges between these two sports activities?

Padel and apnea: Same fight?

4- To padel, it is most often said that it is a sport that can be played for a long time. Can the same be said of freediving? Freediving is a very special sport. Particularly dangerous… But is there an age to quit?

5- Certainly one of the questions that many ask themselves: Can being a freediver help to play padel ? In the breath and endurance? Control ? He will give us his feelings and his hopes for development. and maybe some tips on how to breathe better on a padel.

6- Are there techniques to better recover after a big exchange of padel ?


7- They also developed a combination called Oceanwings, of the WingSuit type, allowing it to glide in the water. He will explain to us how it works.

8- To continue on the anecdotes, we will talk about marriage. Who has never dreamed of getting married in apnea? Pierre Frolla did it with his wife in front of many guests. He will come back with us to this unprecedented moment.

9- And finally we will end on the man cascading from the sea: Indeed Pierre Frolla is also a man of cinema. We will return to his journey at this level.

Published by
Franck Binisti