Play outdoors or indoors at padel ?

Play at padel indoors or outdoors, it's not the same thing. And some players swear by indoor while others only want to play outdoors. We will try to take stock of these very different conditions.

In indoor: We are cool!

And yes, players who like to play indoor are those most often hampered by disruptive elements such as wind, rain or cold. It's good to play indoor, very quiet!

The problem that can be encountered on the other hand on a padel indoor are as follows:

=> The height: When there are less than 6 meters, play padel at some level is not obvious. The eternal question for a project leader when he wants to build an indoor structure: How high should I put the roof in relation to my land? padel ?

The higher it is, the better! But more is expensive!

Sometimes it's not a budget issue either, but a regulatory problem. The Local Urbanism Plan (the laws that govern a municipality in terms of urban planning) may prohibit the construction of a building beyond a certain height.

=> Brightness: Yes sometimes, it is not obvious. Either we don't see enough, or we see too much… Not always obvious. Sometimes, we are embarrassed by skylights too ...

In short, playing indoor is comfort, but for the socios of outdoor, something is missing ...

In outdoor: We change air!

After a good day's work, have a good deal of padel outdoors, it's good, isn't it?

Having fun with the elements, the sun, the wind (not too much), it feels good and it allows you to get some fresh air.

And above all, part of padel in the sun, without wind, what could be better?

What do you think ? Do not hesitate to tell us what you think.

Published by
Franck Binisti