Richard Jackson: “3 Galactica Dunlop Padel 2020 "

Richard Jackson, the representative of Dunlop Padel is proud to present the latest arrivals: the Galactica. 3 high-end palas signed Dunlop.

Here are some palas that are the pride of Dunlop Padel for 2020; the Galactica. 3 palas named Galactica, Galactica Control and Galactica Light.


The pala that Juani Mieres will use. The first change is in the type of carbon used, made in Japan, for better quality and efficiency. The surface receives a 6K carbon fiber for better performance. Added to these new technologies, the Galactica retains certain technologies that worked very well in terms of gaining control or power.

Galactica Control

Same base necessarily as Galactica, but with some differences. First the color, green, then the shape. Juani Mieres pala is more focused on power while Control, with its round shape, is more focused on defensive play.

Galactica Light

A lighter, more manageable model that Patty Llaguno will use. Same technologies as on all the other palas of the Galactica series, round shape for great comfort, but reduced weight to gain speed of execution.

3 New Generation palas for Dunlop Padel in this 2020 season.

Published by
Julien Bondia