We introduced Alejandra Salazar doing quadriceps stretching exercises. At his physiotherapist, Ale offers a series of simple videos to correctly perform the stretches. Here's how to stretch your arms.

Several stretches are needed to relax your arm muscles. For players of padel, it is important to relax at least the arm which holds the pala in order to avoid an overload, a muscular contracture which could end in tendonitis.

We offer several stretches:

  • For the epicondylar muscles
  • For the epitrochlean muscles
  • For the triceps

Before detailing the actual movement for each stretch, remember that it is important to keep the position for about 10 seconds, and repeat this same stretch 3 times for better efficiency.

Epicondylar muscles

These are the muscles that are on the top of the forearm. They serve to tighten your pala. These muscles, if they are not trained and relaxed, will cause you to lose efficiency in your game.

Position: Standing, legs apart, shoulder width apart, stretch out your arm to stretch forward with your fist clenched. Bend your wrist down and slightly “force” this flexion with your free hand. Then lower your arm down to increase the stretch.

The epitrochlear muscles

These are the muscles that are opposite to the epicondylans, they are located under the forearm. They also serve to tighten your pala.

Position: Same position as for stretching the epicondylar muscles, but this time the palm of the hand towards the sky. The free hand will grab the fingers and try to make them sink to the ground.

The triceps

The triceps are the muscles between the elbow and the shoulder on the outside of the arm. They are very stressed during extension movements.

Position: Place the palm of the hand in the back, passing behind the head. The free hand comes to rest on the elbow and helps to lower the hand behind the back.


Published by
Julien Bondia