Latest videos from Alejandra Salazar. This stretching series is coming to an end, and it is with our back and neck that we thank this great player.

Now with all these videos that Ale Salazar has offered us, you have no excuses. All parts of the body have been worked. You know how to stretch and how long it takes for each stretch.

For those who arrived late, remember that stretching is done 3 times 10 seconds for most of them, regardless of the time of day.

For this last column, let's stretch the neck and the back.

The neck

Fragile part of our body, stretching should be done with care. Well stretched cervical muscles will make you feel comfortable and relaxed.

While standing, legs apart shoulder width apart, tilt your head to the left side. Place your left hand above your right ear and stretch. Same thing on the right side with the left hand.

Always in the same position, tilt your head forward. Put your 2 hands on the back of your head and stretch forward.

Finally, without using your hands, make a semicircle starting at the bottom, then the right, return to the center and finally to the left. Attention, your head remains tilted forward and must never go backwards.

Le dos

Many of the pains in our body have their origin in the back. Stretch this area, especially when we are playing padel, is therefore essential.

While standing, facing a wall or a table, support your 2 hands and try to push this wall while tilting your head forward.

This stretch allows you to relax the upper back like the trapezoids.

To stretch the muscles of the lower back, such as the back or muscles of the spine, take the same position as before, facing a wall on which you will be able to hang (in the video a window sill) . Instead of pushing as on the stretch above, you will tilt backwards, head forward. First you will start with the legs slightly bent and then depending on the pain, you can stretch your legs until you have them straight.

Lower back

This last stretch consists in relaxing all the muscles of the back located on the external part, from under the arm to the lumbar.

In position perpendicular to a wall, or on the doorstep, tighten your feet and come catch with your hands either the window frame (as in the video) or the door frame so that your body realizes an arc . Once well supported, pull outwards.

Published by
Julien Bondia