Stretching by Alejandra Salazar: thighs

Alejandra Salazar continues to offer us her stretches. Last week we focused on the lower leg, today the thighs.

Let's focus on one of the most powerful parts of the body; thighs. Many muscles are concentrated there. At padel, if you look at the size of the thighs of players like Maxi Sanchez or Ale Galan, you will realize that they are enormous.

The work of the thighs in our sport is very important in displacements, jumps, but especially for the defense with the flexed position or during numerous starts forwards towards the net, or backwards towards the back window, when observing our opponents.

So take care of your thighs. It is one thing to work on them, but they must also be allowed to recover. And the stretches are made for that. For maximum efficiency, stretch each part of the body 3 times 10 seconds.

  • Isquio-tibial and adductors

Let's start with one of the best known stretches for the back of the thigh, and a little bit inside of it. Place your foot on a stable surface, level with your pelvis. Keep your legs straight and tilt your body forward.

Another possibility at ground level, one leg extended, the other bent with the sole of the foot glued to the inside of the thigh. Bow on the stretched leg.

  • Quadriceps

These are the muscles in the front of the thigh. There are several possible stretches, but the most effective is the one that we will do in a standing position, leaning against a wall or in balance, one leg extended, the other bent, which we will catch at the level of the kick. Keeping both knees side by side you will try to lower the knee of the bent leg to the ground.

  • adductors

These muscles are located on the inside of the thigh and allow the movement of the leg from the outside to the inside. To stretch them, when seated, the two soles stick together, and you tilt your upper body forward.

Published by
Julien Bondia