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BELA X, what do we know?

Head Padel knows how to do things. Since the Mijas Open and his new association with the young prodigy Agustin Tapia, Fernando Belasteguin has made a lot of noise with his famous new racquet of padel nicknamed the BELA X.

But what do we really know about this famous racket?

First, it could be a limited edition in black and it is not Sanyo's racquet. Racket Head Padel de Sanyo and de Bela is black. But we realized in the photos that there was a “trident” in the heart of Bela's (Delta) racket which does not exist on Sanyo's (Alpha).

Then, if we follow the cycle of Head Padel, it's the Delta's turn to evolve. So logically, Bela's new racquet had to bring something new.

For more information, we will have to wait until early November to have more information from the Austrian firm. For the moment BELA magic is working perfectly. The proof we talk about it!

Published by
Franck Binisti