Le padel female, the great absent from #MonteCarloIAmIn VS #YoSoyWorldPadelTower ?

For several weeks, 2 major institutions of the padel world fight to obtain the grace of professional players and obtain their signature to play in their professional circuit: The International Padel Tower vs the World Padel Tour (#MonteCarloIAmIn VS #YoSoyWorldPadelTower)

But in this signature war it seems that we have forgotten a very important part of the padel worldwide: The padel female.

Le World Padel Tour like the International Padel Tour focus on the padel gentlemen.

One of the great personalities of padel Spanish professional who for the moment wishes to remain anonymous tells us more:

It's the professional players who will tip the scales, and at Monte Carlo International Sports, do you see a player sponsored by the MCIS team right now? On the face of it, very little, not to say not, whereas among men, the investment seems very important.

However, it is necessary to relativize these remarks because the team MCIS did indeed sponsor for a time the ladies, as in France with Laura Clergue or in Spain with Alejandra Salazar and Marta Marrero or Cata Tenorio.

But on the side of World Padel Tour, it's not better:

Professional female players regularly complain about the difference in treatment that there can be between men and women on the professional circuit of the World Padel Tour. We had the same problem during the Padel Pro Tour, the former professional circuit of padel before the WPT. This year there have been some initiatives of the World Padel Tour, But a lot remains to be done.

To be as complete as possible, our speaker on the professional circuit continues:

It's the padel gentlemen who brings the padel professional for now. During the stages of World Padel Tour, even if we feel more interest in padel ladies, this is the padel gentlemen who brings. Brands are investing much more in men than in women as well, even if they are also trying to make an effort.

It's now happening!

Le padel lives "a global boom". Brands and players all agree.

Unfortunately, the professional circuit like the International Federation of Padel are absent subscribers for this reason of the boom in padel global. We no longer hear them arguing over who will take the reins of the padel world, what to promote padel amateur and develop it on all continents. We talk too often about padel professional when it is only a very small minority.

The essential is elsewhere. In Spain, the professional circuit is also a drop in the bucket compared to the padel Spanish amateur. It should not be forgotten.

Maxi Sanchez, one of the best players in the world, explained a few days ago that "le padel is living its best hours and that we feel a worldwide craze for this sport never experienced until then"

What is certain is that this competition to represent the professional circuit of padel and this financial windfall in the padel professional is a very good thing for the padel professional and for gamers. Hopefully the ladies are not the big ones forgotten.

Published by
Franck Binisti