Le padel : Across borders

The lovers of padel will soon be able to practice their sport in all countries of the world. If for now the padel is not an Olympic sport, it certainly goes straight there.

Le padel is probably the most popular sport in Europe.

Everyone wants his padel. Even the football stars are getting started with Neymar, Pujol or Ibrahimovic who has simply invested in the padel by launching its franchise in Sweden.

Australia has seen its first padel being built in Sydney, China, Japan and India have followed suit.

In France, the idea of ​​offering padel from the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024 is in the pipeline. The former Minister of Sports Patrick Kanner was already ambitious in August 2016:

If you padel is developing well, one could imagine the instruction of this sport.

Remember that we have in Seine Saint Denis, the Parisian club Casa Padel which could very well host the Olympics for 2024, if the instruction went to the end and was validated by the Olympic Games Committee.


Published by
Franck Binisti