Le padel in Avignon is launched

Eric Calvino was the first to believe in padel in Avignon, notably by offering 2 padel outdoor, in addition to a complex already very rich in sports activities.

The Ballconcept therefore became the first structure to embark on the padel on Avignon. Eric Calvino looks back on his adventure around padel.

1 / How did the idea of ​​putting padel ?

I discovered the padel in Spain. My tennis courts were not in use. Naturally, I wanted to put padel May 2015.

I decided to join Henri Leconte's team Padel Club. It really is a good thing. I have Capucine Pecher, the communications manager, who comes to train at the padel in our club.

2 / The padel works well ?

It is a multi-activity center, and the padel is taking its place in the center. We still have to work to bring in good players more regularly.

The advantage is that this sport is not only for gentlemen, but for the whole family and that's what we want to communicate.

3 / What are the offers?

We have degressive passes depending on the number of hours purchased. We are proposing open days like the 23 and 24 April.

These open doors are open all day and it's free.

I am making an official announcement: I am LOOKING for a qualified person at padel to offer initiations, lessons of padel, etc.

4 / What are the objectives?

First of all to allow this sport to develop as much as possible in our club, and then we will have the possibility of setting up an 3e land of padel if the padel continues its development.

Franck Binisti - PADEL MAGAZINE

Search for a teacher padel :
The Ballconcept d'Avignon is looking for a professor of padel or a motivated person to develop the padel at the club. Contact Eric Calvino if interested: calvino.eric@gmail.com
Published by
Franck Binisti