Le Padel Tennis in Fleury launches its 2 courts

Le Padel Tennis in Fleury in Languedoc now offers 2 padel outdoor. A tennis club that converts to padel and who intends to offer competition quickly.

The municipality of Fleury d'Aude, which initiated the project, answers us through its representative: Frédéric DEYMIE

1 - The objectives of the project

The idea was to rehabilitate an existing sports structure. Our No. 2 tennis court was unusable and degraded. We therefore converted it into a new sports structure with the creation of two Padel Tennis.

The construction of two fields gives the possibility of organizing tournaments in the near future.

The destination of the new structure is linked and can complement the sport initially practiced in this place: Tennis.

2 -Why the Padel Tennis in Fleury?

3 axes can dictate this choice: The social axis, the economic axis and the sports axis.

From a social point of view, the activity Padel Tennis will offer a new activity for young people and adults that can create links between the generations because the Padel is a fun sport, easy to access and requiring less physical effort than tennis or squash.

From an economic point of view, the creation of Padel can bring a new notoriety of the village of Fleury d'Aude and the municipality in the Region because for the moment, there is no club of Padel between Perpignan and Sète (only a private indoor center courtyard in Narbonne). This structure can bring a new activity for tourists in the summer and be a way to animate the municipality on the wings of the season by organizing a tournament (Le Padel is part of the French Tennis Federation).

From a sporting point of view, the creation of Padel can :

  • Serve youth learning at the Club Tennis School
  • Bring a larger number of club members
  • Bring self-financing of the club (land rental)

3 - When will the inauguration of the club take place?

The inauguration will take place on Saturday 13 May at 11h on the site. Will be present :

  1. Sébastien PLA will represent the Regional Council (Mrs DELGA President Région Occitanie being excused).
  2. ALDEBERT Didier and Mme MATEILLE Séverine Departmental Councilors of the Aude will be present and will represent Mr VIOLA Chairman of the Board of Directors excused.

The mayor and elected officials of the municipality will be present.

Guests: the mayors of the Canton, The president of the Aude committee, the President of the Regional League, the presidents of neighboring clubs, the presidents of the village associations, the members of the tennis club, the former presidents of the tennis club .

Published by
Franck Binisti