Ramiro Choya, renowned trainer, needs no introduction. In one of his videos he tells us about 3 phases during a padel. An interesting analysis.

During a match of padel, Ramiro Choya separated 3 phases: the start, the development and the end. Depending on the time of the match, it offers 3 game characteristics to adopt.

  • The beginning

At the start of a match, the players are not necessarily well warmed up, the 4 players still looking for the best way to enter the match. This is the best time to make direct faults. So what should we do? Work the stitches with his hand. This means putting forward our technical qualities, not looking for overly complicated game tactics, but being comfortable in what we know how to do best.

  • Development

It’s the longest phase of a match. It is in this phase that we will work our head. The mental. Know what are the strengths and weaknesses of our opponents, the playing conditions, the tactics to put in place point after point in order to be able to take the psychological edge over our rivals. Now is the time for strategy.

  • The final

In matches won easily, little to say. On the other hand, in matches where the score is against us, or in hooked matches, this is the time when the players who have “heart” will shine. We are no longer talking about tactics, hands or anything else. All this you have already put in place and you are ready to react. Now move on to the point-by-point fight to win this battle. These players are able to accept all the good and all the bad of the match to focus their instinct on only one thing: to prevail over their adversaries.

Published by
Julien Bondia
Tags: ramiro choya