Three tips for pampering your track padel

Jérémy Scatena, player and founder of 100 percent Padel, manufacturer and installer of padel, gives us his three tips for pampering yours.

For traditional lawns

For traditional lawns, the sand must be put back in the center of the field because the players tend to expel it towards the sides.

For so-called “sandless” lawns

For so-called “sandless” pitches, in particular the Mondo, we recommend adding a little more sand than the manufacturer had initially recommended, especially for outdoor pitches.

This helps prevent creases, promotes a slightly higher bounce, and improves the longevity of your surface. For a lawn called without sand, putting 1800 to 2000 kg of silica per ground seems to be optimal.

Check the condition of your slopes all year round

  • Once a year, it is advisable to check its installation, particularly at the level of the screws, especially those of the windows.
  • Check, for outdoor areas, the side by which the water is evacuated so that nothing obstructs the good evacuation. Good quality pitches have structures that are slightly raised to allow good water drainage but also so that the steel is not in permanent contact with the ground and therefore moisture.
  • After three to four years, it is reasonable to check the silicones because the windows should never be in direct contact with the metal.
Published by
Franck Binisti