Haut-de-France and Occitanie French Champions of Padel Youth 2019

For the 1st edition of the French Championship of Padel Jeunes 2019 which took place this weekend in Toulouse Padel Club, we had a very nice show.

In terms of results, the Haut de France league for women and the Occitanie league for men therefore become the first French champions of padel young people in the FFT era.

Note that the PACA league which was in the race for the first two places on Sunday morning finally arrive 2e for girls and boys.

A small frustration for the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur league which hoped at least to obtain a first place in one of the categories. But Christian Collange, the President padel of the PACA league, places particular emphasis on “l'incredible success of the French championships padel youth. We have a pool of players from padel everywhere in France that we did not perhaps even hope before the start of the competition".

Patrick Fouquet, one of the coaches of the France team of padel with Alexis Salles explains “ato be surprised by the general level of young people. This is a great chance for France because it does not start from 0. On the contrary, these young people, for some, are already operational and play very well".

In view of the youth world from October 14 to 20 in Valencia, the coaches must return a list to the FFT next Saturday of the young people selected.

And France is already well placed to obtain perhaps a medal next October. In any case it is the goal, even if we have fewer visibilities than among seniors.

Remember that France will participate for the first time in a World Youth Championship of padel.

The following is the list for girls:
1. Hauts de France
2. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
3. Ile-de-France

The list of Boys:
1. Occitan
2. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
3. Hauts de France
4. Loire Country

Credits: FFT / Nicolas Gouhier / Michel Carnejac
Published by
Franck Binisti