Tutorial padel on the backhand volley to the grid: How to do it in the direction of the grid or the side window, in the diagonal, without realizing the error? Let's understand where the bullet comes from. You will be able to achieve this move with more or less risk. Julien presents to you in this video, the backhand volley at the grid.

When we are at the net, the important thing is to try to move our opponents to find the hole or fault that will allow us to make a difference. Playing the grid or the side window can create this flaw, so take advantage but without taking risks.

How to do ?

I position myself as a left-wing player, placed in the net. I want to make my volley backhand towards the grid, in my diagonal.

Okay, I could find this grid with my backhand volley from any shot of my opponents, but know that I would find this area a lot more simply when the ball comes from the player in front of me, even more when this player will be right-handed and that he will make a forehand or when he will be left-handed and will make a setback.

I leave you to try and wait as always your returns.


Published by
Julien Bondia