Understand the evolution of mentalities around padel

How to understand the development of padel ? This sport, which is still young in the national and international sporting environment, continues to expand.

A few years ago, sports observers believed that the padel was just passing through, a fad. What has changed mentalities? Were we wrong a few years ago?

Several indicators must be taken into account to know the real development of the padel in the world.

First of all, a data which is an important reflection of the extent of the padel in a country is its number of rackets sold over a year. The evolution (positive or negative) of this number of sales, will indicate to us if the sport is in development or in regression.

Then it is the number of creation of courts padel on a given territory. Indeed, if in a country the number of courts increases, sport can more easily develop there.

Finally, when you have offers, and requests from professionals (coaches in particular), it shows that the market is in turmoil. These data really testify to the state of progress of the development of the padel.

What we can also take into consideration is the fact that the padel is no longer considered a fad. And what has changed mentalities on this subject is the weather. The more time passes, the more observers can see the increasing evolution of the padel.


source: Martin Echegaray Vales

Published by
Alexis Dutour