What time and what price for your track of padel ?

Many of you have a track construction project of padel , both in the private and public spheres.

We take stock of the deadlines for obtaining leads for padel as well as the evolution of prices.

All of France wants its padel

Projects padel multiply in an impressive way all over France. The land builders of padel must face a very significant wave of demand, especially since the start of the school year in September 2022.

Jacques Bonnant, the founder ofEPS-Concept explain to us :

There are nearly 40 to 60 requests per week that have to be processed nationally since September 2022.

This explosion in demand is explained by the democratization of padel in France. It started after the COVID: the strong media coverage and the implementation of aid in the form of subsidies from the FFT but also for certain sectors, aid from the NSA galvanized the requests and a large part of France wishes to have its track(s) of padel, or at least start budgeting for a project.

Conclusion: the delays for obtaining an answer have considerably lengthened, to reach today approximately two to four weeks.

The shortage of raw materials is almost over

Let it be clear, if you don't have a quick response, it's not because of a shortage of raw materials. Indeed, today, the manufacturers have all organized themselves to better respond to this demand despite the various energy and economic crises with which we are confronted.

This is why project promoters have every interest in having the most precise requests possible in order to obtain rapid and appropriate responses from manufacturers.

Price developments

The prices of the slopes padel have increased considerably following the post-COVID period and the resumption of activities, as in many areas.

In 2021, we observed increases of up to 20% in 3 months. Moreover, giving a precise price when it largely depends on the conditions, the types of land chosen... is impossible. We will produce a more specific article on this subject. However, you will find leads on average between €18.000 and €30.000. In addition, it will most often be necessary to add costs related to the earthworks, the development of the site, and other costs related to the installation of the tracks.

Today price increases are a little more controlled, except in the energy field where prices can still fluctuate.

Unfortunately we cannot say with certainty that prices, even if we feel a “little stability” for a few months, will remain at this level. This is why between the estimate and the decision-making, the prices can still evolve. Offers need to be updated.


Today, the average delay after the validation of an order is two to three months to obtain leads from padel, but this period tends to lengthen (4 to 6 months) depending on the installation schedules which fill up more and more quickly.

For more info, it's happening HERE.

Published by
Franck Binisti
Tags: EPSEPS Padel