What type of player are you?

Whenever we participate in a friendly or tournament match, we share the field with other players, all different from each other. Knowing which types of players we have in front is important to adapt our game. Also know what type of player team is very important because some pairs do not work at all.

We have detected 10 types of players from padel. It's up to you to know who you are and who your partner is.

  • The tennis player

From his racket sports experience, the tennis player believes he is superior because he knows how to finish points and controls the net. As much as he stood out at the start, after a few games he understood that the padel is another sport.

  • Le prof

The person giving advice. It can be interesting at first because the advice can be beneficial to the game, but in general this person is of the type "do what I say, not what I do".

  • The major player

He manages the match. Usually playing on the left, this player attacks most balls. He knows how to manage points, finish when necessary, but he is also the one who makes the most mistakes. He does everything: the points, the faults, but is so competitive that he does not realize it.

  • The character

He comes to play padel and hit as many balls as possible. Although this sport is played 2 on 2, it does not matter in which position he is going to hit the ball, he has to play it.

  • The positive

Nice person, very fair play, for whom the result does not matter as long as he has a good time on the field and meets new people. Always the right word to encourage his partner or his opponents, even in case of defeat.

  • The pain

He complains all the time. Every mistake made by him is never his fault but an external element: the pala, the carpet, the sun ... Often he thinks he has a good level but has a lot of technical deficiencies.

  • Mister

He apologizes every time he has played a bad ball or made a direct foul. This player can be hard to bear because he apologizes all the time, but is generally a person you can count on and will recognize the work done.

  • The stingy

Never on time. He often gets into a warm up for not having to bring a box of new balls, he prefers to play with the balls of others. He rarely has his water bottle and can even postpone the payment of the land.

  • The generous

The opposite of the stingy. It often happens before, warms up, discusses with the players of the club. First friendly, he is appreciated, always brings a box of new balls and even pays for his tour after the match.

  • The defender

The player who runs everywhere, "rakes" all the balls, prepares the point for his partner and does not like to be praised. Super modest, it will not drop the match until it is completely finished.


Source: Mundipadel

Published by
Julien Bondia