Why cover land with padel ?

Le padel is a sport accessible to everyone. With its simple rules and friendly atmosphere, it attracts more and more players of all ages and levels. However, like any outdoor sports space, the playing fields padel are not immune to weather hazards. Sun, rain, gusts... so many conditions which can compromise not only the quality of the game, but also the state of the pitch itself. Discover the advantages of covering land with padel.

Field coverage padel : for better protection against bad weather

Rain, snow, strong winds or even UV rays cause several damages. The sun can discolor the condition of the ground padel. Rain, for its part, can cause erosion and humidity which encourages the proliferation of moss and other harmful plants.

Installing adequate cover protects your land against climatic hazards and allows you to avoid the formation of puddles which could make the ground slippery. 

A sustainable investment for your land padel outdoors

By protecting your land with a solid cover, you preserve the integrity of the soil and extend its lifespan. This means less maintenance, fewer repairs and therefore savings in the long term. Quality coverage also reduces the frequent need for equipment replacement or repair.  

Make a gesture for the environment

Some covers are made from recycled or recyclable materials that minimize your environmental impact. Materials such as recycled wood and steel or photovoltaic coverings minimize the environmental impact of your installation and reduce your costs. To reduce your energy consumption, you can opt for a low-consumption LED lighting system, for example.

Cover your ground to improve your brand image

In addition to the practical and ecological aspects, the coverage of an area of padel also offers a wide range of possibilities in terms of customization. Ground owners can create a space that not only meets the functional needs of their teams, but reflects the identity of their clubs. 

In addition, the neat aesthetic of a covered area is a major marketing asset. Photos and videos of the land, highlighting its design and features can attract the public's attention. Texabri guarantees you coverage of padel to get the most out of your land. Compliant with CTS/NV65/Eurocodes safety standards, they enhance the aesthetics of your space and attract a wide audience. 

Ensure compliance and security of installations

Safety is a fundamental aspect in the design and layout of a playing field. padel. Indeed, the establishment of a covering structure must respect a series of strict standards and regulations aimed at guaranteeing the safety of all users. This encompasses not only the strength and stability of the construction, but also fire resistance, the ability to withstand extreme climatic loads and the absence of harmful materials. 

A quality cover will also help maintain optimal quality of the ground and equipment, avoiding premature degradation which could render them non-compliant. The height of the structure, the distance between the posts or even the quality of the lighting, everything must be well thought out to minimize the risk of accidents and guarantee a safe and pleasant playing experience. 

Field coverage padel outdoors: to improve the user experience

No more match interruptions due to sudden bad weather or excessive heat. A well-designed structure offers players optimal playing comfort in all seasons and allows them to practice their favorite sport without constraints.

Looking for ground coverage of padel robust and quality? Ask for your quote right now. 

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Press Release