World Padel Fake: the smile of the padel

Do you know World Padel Fake ? This is a page of is the international treasure who tackles with humor all the subjects of padel. Written in Spanish, here's what to expect.

Le padel is a big family where all subjects and all people can enter, as long as it remains as correct of course (we are well behaved).

There is a page of Spanish enthusiasts on Instagram called World Padel Fake which uses phrases, player gestures, and which addresses the padel with a funny eye. Here are some nuggets you can find.

“He told me: Today we don't make mistakes, we secure points… and the first bullet he hits he hits it against the glass.”

“My friend: You won't believe what happened to me the other day at padel.

Me: Tell me

My friend: Wait, I'm sending you an audio. ”

“When you lend your pala to a friend and he returns it to you broken.”

“Finally tomorrow is Friday and the return of padel in streaming."


Published by
Julien Bondia