World Padel Tour edit a video that talks about containment in a different way. We all can't wait to get our pala back, but let's be patient.

The best circuit padel to the world offers a video in which he captures the most important moments of padel and confinement to tell a great story. There she is.

The tournament of our lives

We haven't been kissing for more than a month, we haven't been saying “I love you”.

Yes, it is getting hard, but we must continue.

This match is neither Lebron's talent nor Salazar's forehand who wins it,

Neither Paquito's “cuchilla” nor the effectiveness of Belasteguín.

This match is won by being united, you have to work as a team.

Surely everyone has dreamed of becoming number 1 in the world?

Now it’s easier than ever.

No more staying at home

No more being united

If the ball comes out by 3 don't do like Ale Galan, don't go out!

To gain a point, it is now to lose it.

If you doubt, wash your hands well! And until further notice, each with their towel.

Give it all. Give everything but to your imagination, and only the best”bajadas” (descents) are those of the curve.

Friends, every precaution you take is a great point.

Every day we applaud the people who save games, sets and matches, thank you Barbara.

Let us encourage these warriors who from the first line fight for the others, thank you Sandra.

We make a standing ovation to those who do research every day so that we can get vaccinated.

And let's listen to the authorities. They are the ones who bear the brunt of this meeting.

This tournament has no flag, it is neither an Open nor a Master, but it is the most important tournament of our life.

Winning it does not earn any points or convert the winners into Maestro or Maestra.

The reward is our return, to be healthy, and above all to take care of the people who have always taken care of us.

We don't want full stands, we want them empty, completely deserted.

Because the more united we will be, the more bloated the stands will be when we return.

It is obvious. It's not easy to be away from the family.

We would do anything to exchange a video call with an embrace.

But we're going to come back very quickly, and we want to do it together.

Please ! Take care of yourself !

Play each point as if it were a “Punto de Oro”.

source: World Padel Tour




Published by
Julien Bondia