Here it isSpain. Although the padel internationalizes, its basis is mostly Spanish speaking. The best players are either Spanish or, Argentines, and even if they speak more and more English, the shots keep their names. So like any good player padel, learn it vocabulary and allow yourself Iberian escapades.

Even if each country appropriates and modifies the names of the most basic moves of the padel, if you place a few hard-core vocabulary words in a sentence padel, you will appear as a specialist. Let's take a look at all these essential words.

Vamos: Lets' go. This is the basis. This word is used to motivate yourself between points, when it's time to return to the track or after winning a point brilliantly. It is often accompanied by a tight stitch.

Hello. Buenos days. Good times: Hi. Good morning. Good evening. Being polite is always a good idea. Whether you are in Spain or elsewhere, these little words immerse you in the cool atmosphere of this game.

What? : How are you ? These words often come after “Hola”. You show that you are looking to fit in.

Por favor: Please. We can't start without asking for a bottle of water, balls, what track we are playing on etc. 

Thanks : THANKS. Nothing to add, this guy is nice.

Derecha: Right hit. Shot made on the side of the arm supporting the pala.

Dreams: Reverse. Shot made on the side of the non-dominant arm, on the side of the arm not supporting the pala.

Volea: Volley. Hit made before the ball rebounds.

Bandeja : Bandeja or tray. Shot made during a high ball from our opponents. This shot is cut.

Vibora: Vibora or viper. Shot made during a high ball from our opponents. This shot is brushed, the trajectory of the ball takes the shape of a snake.

Remate: Smash. Shot hit after a high ball from our opponents above our heads.

Rule: Type of rolling smash, played slowly, towards the grille or side windows.

Salida de pared: Window exit. Shot made after a bounce on one or more windows on our side of the track.

Chiquita : Short ball played from the back of the court into the volleyball players' feet.

Bag: Service 

Restaurant: Back 

Point of gold: Gold point. Tied, no advantage. The team that wins the point wins the game.

Iguales: Equality.

Ventaja: Advantage.

Game, point: Game. You can also say “punto” when you win the game.

Cortado: Cut. Shot from top to bottom.

Liftado: Lift. Shot from bottom to top.

Plano: Flat. Blow without effect.

Empuñadura: Racket grip. 

Globe: Lob. Shot made to pass or work opponents over their heads.

Net : Net.

Plan : Grille.

Fuera: Out, out.

Dentro: Good ball, in.

For example: Par 3. Shot made which takes the ball out of the track above the limits of 3 meters in height.

For four: Par 4. Shot made which takes the ball out of the track above the limits of 4 meters in height.

Delante: In front. Generally used to inform the partner of the position of opponents near the net.

Atrás: Basically. Generally used to inform the partner of the position of the opponents at the back of the track.

Arriba: Up. Can be used to ask to play a high ball or to inform the partner of the opponents' position near the net.

Abajo: Down. Can be used to ask to play a low ball or to inform the partner of the opponents' position at the back of the track.

Pegado: Glue. Used to inform the partner of the position very close to the opponents' net.

Media track: Half track. Used to inform the partner of the position of the opponents in the middle of the field.

Exchange : Change. Used to announce the change of sides at the time of the total of odd games or to announce the change of right-left position during the point.

Compañero/a, “compi”: Partner

Contrincante, adversario: Opponent

Pelota, bola: Balle

Box: Box of bullets. 

Pala: Name given to the racket.

Shoes: Sport shoes.

Shirt: T-shirt.

Short pants, Bermuda shorts: Short.

Wide pants: Pants.

Falda: Skirt.

Gorra: Cap.

Munequera: Terry cuffs.

Calcetines: Socks.

Cover: Racket cover.

Paletero: Equipment storage bag padel.

Water : Water.

Cana: Half a beer (consume in moderation).

Jug : Pint of beer (consume in moderation).

This vocabulary is obviously used in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries, but be aware that it is becoming more and more international. So even if you don't speak Spanish or English correctly, with this glossary you will be able to participate and have fun on the slopes in the four corners of the globe. Go!

Published by
Julien Bondia