Badminton vs. Padel

Is badminton more physical than padel ? Is it easy to learn the padel when you come from badminton? We see many badminton players coming to test themselves on the padel for several years. And you will see that these new players in the padel are very far from being unfit for this sport. On the contrary!

Play outside !

Le padel is a sport that is practiced both indoors and outdoors. And it is perhaps this last element that interests bad players the most.

In general, in bad, we play indoors, in gymnasiums, in clubs of padel also like at Le Padel Club in Bois d'Arcy in the Yvelines. Playing indoors is good. But what to do when the weather is nice and we want to play outside?

Le padel thus makes it easy to play outdoors. This is the big difference from badminton.

Technically: it's not the same thing

Technically, of course, it's not the same thing, but we see a lot of bad players coming to the padel with exceptional reflexes. Like tennis players, bad players manage to evolve quickly.

But if we have to focus only on the technical part, there may be difficulties for the bad player to play with a continental grip and to use clean shots. padel like cut balls that don't exist in bad.

On the other hand in bad, the deadlines and the lobs are very used blows. At padel, the lob is perhaps the most important move. This methodology, this way of doing things for a bad player is therefore in part similar to the padel. Good news for these new players.

On the smash part, not easy. The technique is not the same between badminton and padel, but the bad player must have huge shoulders, precision and reflexes to achieve his smashes. This will definitely help with the overhead smash. padel.

For the windows, yes, it will take some time for the bad player to update. Like the tennis player, the walls, the grids, it is not easy at first. Sometimes you have to learn to let the ball pass to continue the point at padel. Not easy, because you have to be able to deprogram yourself in badminton and learn to play with a new element.

Different tools

In terms of the racket, we are still on totally different equipment. In bad, we play with a racket with a string. The racket is very light and therefore very manoeuvrable. Switch to a racket padel can be a bit tricky at first. Be careful to choose the right equipment when you are new to padel : do not buy a too heavy racket or too rigid. Take it step by step.

You noticed: bad players are used to a shuttlecock that they have to replace with a padel. A round, heavier, yellow ball… it has nothing to do with a shuttlecock… Here too, the transition can take a little time. For badminton players who already have a bit of tennis, the progression and especially the transition will be faster.

Physically: it works!

On a physical level, badminton has nothing to envy to padel. Badminton is one of the toughest sports in the world. On the heart level, you have to be able to take it. The padel can also be physically difficult. The long exchanges, the supports and the fact of playing with a hard ball do not facilitate. But necessarily badminton players have a predisposition to read the trajectories and physically hold.

You got it right, we are still talking about double. And in bad, playing doubles is also an institution with real teamwork. Bad players will therefore easily have this facility to go from bad to padel, because bad (in duplicate) and padel are team and strategic sports.

Published by
Franck Binisti