FFT College of Scientific Experts: Who are they?

Who are the doctors who make up the college of scientific experts for the French Tennis Federation? For the moment, no names, but we know that they are experts in their specialty and that they have advocated for the moment the ban on playing padel.

To make the various decisions which were necessary concerning the sports represented by the FFT during COV-ID, the Federation called upon a group of scientific experts “in an advisory capacity”On the resumption or not of FFT sports practices. A college made up of 5 specialists:

  • An infectious disease specialist
  • A professor of psychology and sports doctor
  • A hygienist
  • A psychologist and sports specialist
  • a university professor in sociology and sports performance

Advisory opinions that the FFT had no other choice to follow. Scientists have a decisive impact on decision-making. And it would certainly have been abnormal to see the FFT take a contrary view of what is advocated by the experts.

To know about the composition, it will be necessary to wait, because we have no names, nor information on the method used by the FFT.

However, we can already say that the 5 specialists are great teachers, researchers or doctors. The other element: The professor in psychology and sports doctor is the current President of IRMES, the Institute of biomedical research and epidemiology of sport at INSEP, Jean-François Toussaint. A size in his specialty, also the author of a hundred publications in research.

Finally, the only information is that of the FFT website, as well as that issued by the President of the FFT, Bernard Giudicelli on his facebook page.

This college examines any question that the FFT takes up.

It helps the FFT to formulate, argue and validate on a scientific level the hypotheses of resumption of sporting activity, progressive and realistic.

Published by
Franck Binisti