La flight is a blow technical which can be played in a simple way for beginners, but which must be improved when one wishes level up. Before talking about arm action, let's talk legs.

We keep repeating it, take your first steps in padel is quite simple. Hitting the ball from the baseline or volleying the ball can be done without perfect technique as long as you hit well. If you put the ball in the court, the points are long and entertaining… which will generate a friendly atmosphere.

Pro level

Your volleys are clean, you play well tactically but you lack that little extra to allow you to really evolve. There is work to be done on the arms but also on the legs, and it is this point that will interest us today. After having slowed down your run before the opponents hit, realized your recovery of support at the moment of impact, it's time to get the ball. And we will say that we can work in 4 different ways.

All for all

It's the easiest. You step towards the net, all the weight of your body is on the front leg and you have an impact above the level of the net. Result: You send a big slap because you are trying to win the point.

The Control Fly

This is the one that is very often done below the level of the net. If you assume that both feet should be in contact with the ground before impact, and your arm should place the ball, your volley will be perfect.

The aggressive volley

This is when you will have the opportunity to impact above the level of the net. The idea is not to hit harder but to be with the non-dominant foot (the one not on the side of the hand holding the pala) in the air at the time of the hit. Once you've touched the ball, that foot will end up in front of you on the ground. This technique puts weight into the ball, not speed, which causes smaller, lower, but still aggressive bounces.

The 50/50 volley

This is the one we use when we go through “no man's land”, in the transition zone. After a service or after a bandeja, you may need to volley on your way to your position at the net. For this you need control to place your ball and avoid the counter, as well as power to gain depth. Also know that this volley from the half-track must allow you to advance, and if you hit while being stopped, you will arrive late. The 50/50 volley will therefore be a mix between the control volley and the aggressive volley. When you hit the ball you will put your foot on the ground. This volley can also be performed from the net position, allowing you to use only one technique.

Take the time to learn

Don't skip steps. Perhaps you will quickly understand all these differences in support or, on the contrary, it will be difficult for you. In this case focus on a single technique before going further. Be aware that a large number of instructors direct the support of the volley on the 50/50 technique, which is the one that can be used from any place on the track. In any case, work on balance and your impacts will be much better. Let's go!

Published by
Julien Bondia