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Italy: from padel to replace soccer fields!

Le development of padel en Italy is not an invention or a mere figment of the imagination! On the contrary, it has become more and more popular since the start of the pandemic. Better: in Steps, the municipality of Falconara decided to favor the creation of 4 new pitches at the expense of sacrosanct football.

4 courts to revitalize the space

In Falconara, the old football field near the church has been in trouble for several years, especially because of bad weather and flooding. The green of the lawn will not regain its former glow and not only because of the mud. At the instigation of a citizen who modestly preferred to remain anonymous, a file arrived on the town hall office for recompose space too long left fallow. At the center of this redevelopment: 4 padel destined for revitalize sports practice from the city.


Conditional for the moment

Although in its infancy, the basic idea won a great success. Private investors would also be in charge of bringing this innovative project out of the ground, which should revive an abandoned place. This new installation would therefore consist of the construction of 4 brand new pitches with adjoining changing rooms. This complex would make it possible to offer a new sporting offer to the inhabitants, knowing that the padel meets current health requirements and therefore allows safe ventilation.

Since summer 2020, demand has been growing and this prospect is significant as regards the place of padel in Italy. However, this project remains in the conditional since the economic aspects have not yet been established and validated by the municipality. However, given the prospects that these sites could have on the shops of the coastal town, it's a safe bet that the padel increases its popularity on the banks of theAdriatic !

Published by
Francois Miguel Boudet