New step nutrition proposed by Stéphane Pensoand an dietary supplement which has an impact on the health of sedentary people and which improves the performance of athletes, including padel are part of: the Spirulina.

Spirulina is a very complete food with multiple benefits for health as well as for the practice of sport. Many sportsmen, professionals or amateurs, consume it regularly. Why ? Because the benefits of spirulina on performance and recovery in athletes are increasingly recognized.

It exists 5 large interactions to know between spirulina and sport, interactions between its virtues and the physiology of sport. Let's discover them together.

Improves performance and recovery

By consuming spirulina, you will improve your performance and your recovery after exercise, mainly thanks to 3 phenomena:

  • Optimization of different physiological metabolisms
  • Increase in VO2 max (maximum volume of oxygen used by muscles)
  • The recovery of lactates and the reduction of muscle pain

What does lactate recovery mean in athletes?

The concomitant absorption of trace elements, macro-elements and enzymes naturally contained in spirulina contributes to:

  • Buffer lactates as they are produced in the most stressed muscles. The study of sports physiology from the University of Memphis (March 2001) proved the very significant reduction in muscle pain during intensive physical exercises thanks to the presence of phycocyanin derivatives contained in spirulina.
  • Allow early reabsorption of said lactates in the liver (Krebs cycle) by stimulating the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase, thus transforming “waste” (limiting factor for physical exercise) into “high energy food” and thus recovered by the lactic acid molecule.

These 3 phenomena are mainly explained by the content of spirulina in:

  • Particularly organic iron available, directly absorbable
  • Group B vitamins (B1, B6, B9 and B12) essential for preparation and recovery during exercise
  • Trace elements, selenium, magnesium, copper, manganese, etc ...
  • Enzymes and coenzymes that facilitate different metabolisms, including the famous SOD (Super Oxide trans Dismutase), a powerful antioxidant
  • Chlorophyll, the green pigment well known for its detox and oxygenation effects
  • Phycocyanin, the blue pigment very specific to spirulina, powerful anti-inflammatory that works like EPO


The molecular structure of phycocyanin (one of the most remarkable pigments specific to spirulina) has a structure almost similar to erythropoietin (EPO), the heart of human blood hemoglobin.

EPO derivatives are often used as dopants, except that with the phycocyanin of spirulina, it is a perfectly natural physiological process that allows the body to maintain sufficient oxygen reserves within the globule. red and to offer it a more comfortable operation even in situations of intense effort.

Phycocyanin is also a potent natural anti-inflammatory drug, including potent anti-cox2, that is, inhibiting enzymes responsible for the pain sensation associated with inflammation.

Promotes lean mass gain or "drying"

Spirulina will allow you to quickly gain muscle mass and "dry out". It will promote lean mass gain by 4 key elements:

  • Its high protein content is the richest food on Earth in protein.
  • Its concentration of amino acids, including animate acids “Connected”
  • Does not provide any fat or sugar
  • Its appetite suppressant effect that prevents cravings and snacking

The important contribution of quality proteins will allow the manufacture and repair of muscles and tendons. The concentration of so-called amino acids trendy ou branched is beneficial to muscle building and maintenance of lean mass. Indeed, branched amino acids (BCAAs) are the first to be degraded during muscular effort.

Reduction of deficiencies

The practice of sport creates deficiencies in athletes, deficiencies which must be filled in particular by taking spirulina. Spirulina provides:

  • A daily dose of trace elements, vitamins, minerals and enzymes
  • Iron, Calcium, B vitamins, and more
  • A necessary and often sufficient dose for most nutrients

It is interesting to know that spirulina provides, in principle, all the nutrients essential for human health except vitamin C, omega-3 and iodine. To fill these gaps, have recourse to a balanced diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils and / or fatty fish. Otherwise, do not hesitate to use food supplements.

Protects from injuries

Spirulina protects athletes from injuries in many cases. This is explained by its very complete nutritional contribution, including antioxidants. Also this is explained by 2 effects due to 2 very precious elements of spirulina, already seen above:

  • Anti-Cox2 effect, natural anti-inflammatory of phycocyanin
  • Healing effect of SOD or “super-oxide dismutase”

Rapid energy intake

Spirulina is highly assimilable. This is due to its very simple form of a single-celled microalgae. It is a very interesting asset for the athlete who can consume it before, during and / or after the effort. She brings at any time:

  • A cocktail of immediately available nutrients
  • Ionic rebalancing (sodium, potassium, calcium, etc.)

In short

In a nutshell, spirulina is a super-supplement that helps:

  • Maintain / develop muscle mass and optimize muscle function
  • Maintain the acid-base balance
  • Prevent cramps
  • Participate in the fight against oxidative stress
  • Improve the oxygenation of the body
  • Promote better recovery after intense or prolonged physical exertion
  • Improve performance and reduce the negative effects resulting from the heavy stress on the body
Published by
Stéphane Penso