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Remote access control with BalleJaune

BalleJaune is not only a booking platform for tennis and tennis clubs. padel, it is also the possibility of controlling the remote access of a site.

A solution of Résa BalleJaune put in place lately which makes it possible to save a lot of time for the clubs while being very effective.

How does it work ?

Field access control is linked to the player's reservation.

A player reserves a time slot, he obtains a code 4 digits, he comes to the door of the field and types his code, the door opens, the lighting illuminates the field.

At the end of the reservation, a buzzer alerts the players of the end of their playing time.

The lighting goes out. Players leave the field and can not access it until the next reservation.

The advantage of remote access

Big advantage since it allows to increase the possibilities of making land available on a day without the mandatory presence of a permanent. (Of course with the option of registration and online payment for non-members of the club on yellow ball, it is at all bonus for the club).

The references

BalleJaune has many references for setting up this solution.

Published by
Franck Binisti
Tags: BalleJaune