Stéphane Penso, this specialist in little extras that improve our daily lives padel, informs us of an object that can “save” our arm: The PowerBall

The PowerBall is an object that is used for the prevention and treatment of injuries. Working with the PowerBall for just 3 minutes a day effectively helps in the rehabilitation and prevention of certain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, elbow tendonitis, or epicondylitis of the elbow.

Highly beneficial to athletes who need a strong grip, the PowerBall strengthens the fingers, wrists and hands, while improving flexibility and dexterity. Another advantage, the joints are spared because the work is not done with loads or when your body supports like the pumps.

The PowerBall is one of those ideal objects to work on the strength of the grip. The PowerBall can also be used as a bodybuilding object for the forearm, biceps or even the shoulder (radial brachio muscle and flexor / extensor), therefore ideal for padel.

It is also used to work the joints of the arm and hand, reducing the risk of MSD (musculoskeletal disorders), and as a heating object for the wrist and forearm.

This type of object is therefore a partner to take everywhere in your bag for bodybuilding, recovery or warm-up before games and training.


Published by
Stéphane Penso