Stéphane Penso's Tips: Tecartherapy

This time Stéphane Penso does not present us with material that could help us to be better on the track but talks to us about health, to recover from an injury more quickly: tecartherapy.

The worry and fear of all athletes is injury. Among players of padel, the most common injuries are in the ankles, knees, wrist, elbow or shoulder. In this column, Stéphane Penso presents a technique applied by physiotherapists, tecartherapy.

To treat a tear or tendinitis more deeply, precisely and therefore more effectively, there are several methods. You can walk at -110 ° for 3 minutes going around in circles during a cryotherapy session, or you can ask your physiotherapist for tecartherapy sessions (if he is equipped with the
machine, more commonly known as WinBack or BTL).

What is tecartherapy?

Tecartherapy stimulates the natural healing and tissue recovery mechanisms in a non-invasive way. It does not affect the body in any way and does not destroy the tissues. 100% natural, it accelerates the natural regeneration of biological tissues by promoting cell exchanges. It mobilizes intra- and extra-cellular ions at a frequency that increases membrane permeability and increases cell metabolism.

It is a technology recognized for its efficiency and reliability in improving the body's natural self-repair mechanisms, by stimulating exchanges at the cell level.
This 100% safe to use technique offers instant results to relieve pain, eliminate tension, accelerate healing and release movement.

A tecartherapy session is effective for more than 48 hours and halves the rehabilitation time

Some more visuals with WinBack devices

Published by
Stéphane Penso