Stéphane Penso, the “master” in terms of all kinds of racket sports equipment, would like to share with you a few “tips” that some professionals do. padel or squash, and make your life better. These little things, often hidden, that protect your body from the hardness of the effort.

Did you know that Bela put a vibration reducer under the overgrip of her racket? To reduce the number of vibrations and thus protect his arm, muscles and tendons, King Bela puts a special band on his racket handle. A product not found in France.

Soles and heelettes

Other professionals, not just padel, hide soles or heels in their shoes. Although the shoes of padel are more and more comfortable and more and more effective against impact, especially during jumps, it is recommended to use this type of material.

The problem is that in regular players, jumps, violent races and dry stops endanger the joints. Below, an example of gel heels and soles specially designed for the sport of high level, which will cushion your jumps very gently.


Finally the sleeves. We see some players using them. This is not to hide varicose veins, scar, or old tattoo. These sleeves are designed for comfort, but also and especially to reduce muscle pain, fatigue, gain recovery and prevent injuries. These compression sleeves are very present on running events, trail running like IrMan, but also in the world of squash.

Published by
Stéphane Penso