What would the padel without the windows ? Certainly mini-tennis. The fact of using the bottom panes bring a game more interesting and more shots to our arsenal. In right hit as reverse, here's how to approach the windows.

Not always easy to let the ball pass to let it bounce, but that's how it is, that's the padel. So even if you only let slow balls pass, learn to play balls that come from behind you and progress.

Don't guess

The first big mistake when learning window exits would be guessing where the ball is going to be impacted by your pala. You place yourself and wait, except that unless you have years of experience and a trajectory reading worthy of the best, it doesn't work. Once you find yourself too close to the ball, once too far, then you find yourself impacting behind you in short, nothing square. To avoid this mistake, before making a move, analyze where the ball is coming from and what its trajectory is, then move on to the next step.

Support is the basis

For your window exits to be clean and efficient, you have to accompany the ball, dance with it. Once you have detected its trajectory, you will follow in the same direction, with your foot on the side of the blow you are going to make, forehand or backhand, by taking a step backwards. This first step – there can of course be several – is very important to understand the rebounds on the windows. And to have perfect timing, this step must be taken when the ball also touches the ground.

Prep time

There are no surprises. The sooner you prepare, the more comfortable you will be with the window exit. On the other hand, you will notice that the higher the level of play, the longer the preparation takes. For what ? To simply hide the blow. At an amateur level, is it that important? Up to you. 

For right hit, the most effective preparation is done below the level of the belt, tip of the pala facing the glass behind us. The goal being to defend low balls, a low preparation is more suitable. Note: if the ball bounces higher and you want to speed up the game, from a low preparation you will adjust without problem, whereas if you always prepare above the level of the belt, for high balls, no worries, but for low balls, it will be more complicated.

For a backhand, the best preparation would be close to a volley and not a “normal” backhand as this would not be beneficial. Raising the head of the pala “naturally” allows you to play the window exits without forcing.

End of gesture

Finishing forward, always, to put pressure on opponents at the net would be key. Of course, you can't always do this, but as soon as possible, stretch your end stroke in the direction you want to play for perfect forward body accompaniment. 

Trying to keep the ball as long as possible in the pala is a sign of control, precision and it will allow you to better play your window exits. THE "bajadas”, which are exits from high attack windows, will be the subject of a future subject.

The final word

Window exits are languorous dances between you and the ball. Take the time to analyze the trajectory to launch this first dance step, accompany, turn if necessary, then let your partner go forward by letting go of his hand as late as possible, as during a painful separation. Let's go!

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  • and above all bend your legs, the gaze must be as close as possible to the impact height of the ball, do not lie flat on your stomach... but still very low like Di Nenno or Chingotto the two best long-distance defenders ground.

Published by
Julien Bondia