La nouvelle Black Crown Piton 8.0

La nouvelle Black Crown Piton 8.0, the brand's most offensive model, perfect for players seeking power and precision.

The Piton 8.0 is the racquet of Eli Amatriain, but also of Jose Antonio Garcia Diestro. This is the model the most powerful and rigid of the marke. Round in shape, this pala will give you great maneuverability and more control in defense.

It incorporates a foam mid-soft EVA, a professional quality eraser, which provides a perfect mix between comfort and precision. The 15k carbon mixed with fiberglass will offer you an excellent compromise between power and ball output.

As on the other models of the brand, the sweet-spot is widened, for more control. So we are dealing with a high-end racket, ideal for attackers, rather rigid, and with very good handling. Once again, the brand emphasizes versatility.




Published by
Xan Tafernaberry