Qatar World Cup 2020: an event filled with records

Almost a month ago, the Worlds of Padel 2020 in Qatar.

Because of incredible organization, the place as well as the current situation of this sport around the world, all the ingredients were present to make this competition the most important event organized so far.

As a reminder, it is in Doha that the players of the various competing nations have put down their bags to face each other for a week of madness.

Since the health crisis and the deconfinement of last year, we have seen the enthusiasm aroused by the padel around the world.

These Worlds of padel have once again proven that the popularity rating of padel among the general public is on the rise.

Here are some figures that could be noted during this competition:

  • Matches broadcast in 75 countries
  • 6 million views on the FIP Youtube channel
  • 288 matches broadcast live
  • 600 hours of live and streaming



Published by
Team Padel May