Le Covid-19 is invited to the first test outside Spain of the year. Cases detected before Valencia as well as this week make the Sardinia Open will be a tournament with some absent.

Here is where we are. Positive cases of Coronavirus, quarantine, players who do not want to take any risk outside Spain, in short, a climate of doubts and especially absent in the tables.

Let's start with the cases that we have known for several days. Mari Carmen Villalba was tested positive before Valencia and remains uncertain for Italy. Pablo Lima, positive will be absent and certainly his partner Paquito Navarro as well. Finally, José David Sánchez was given positive during the Valencia tournament and will therefore logically be absent.

In addition to these people there are new cases like Miguel yangas et Martín Sánchez Piñeiro. Their partners are also not expected to depart for Sardinia.

Another case, different this time, is the decision ofAlba Izquierdo and Ainhoa ​​Rico not to travel to Italy. Not because they got the virus, but rather out of fear of catching it. A self-respecting decision. The two players prefer to stay in Spain and prepare for the next tournament which will take place in Menorca.

Good recovery to all the players who go through this bad stage. See you soon on the slopes.

Published by
Julien Bondia