European Games – Who are the most dangerous opponents for France?

The European Games start tomorrow in Krakow Poland. For the padel, the competition will take place from June 21 to 25. HowWe announced it previously, the Federation decided to send 4 players and 4 players to represent France.

The first observation is that among the first 6 nations, players are absent. The reasons for these absences vary. The complication also of having 3 professional circuits does not help for the moment between the FIP circuit, the WPT and A1Padel. National teams have not necessarily been able to field their best players.

However, for those following the World Padel Tour, it is generally found that some players have favored the Master of Valladolid which takes place the same week.

French forces

Thus, accompanied by Robin Haziza, women's coach, and Pablo Ayma, men's coach, the FFT has chosen the following players to represent France:

  • Jessica Ginier (338)rd at FIP ​​and 175rd at the WPT) and Lucile Pothier (338rd at FIP ​​and 175rd at the WPT)
  • Charlotte Soubrie (192rd at the PIF et 230rd at the WPT) and Carla Toully (303rd to the FIP and 230rd at the WPT)
  • Jeremy Scatena (86rd to the FIP and 551rd at the WPT) and Thomas Leygue (101rd at the PIF and 169rd at the WPT)
  • Benjamin Tison (57)rd at FIP ​​and 97rd at the WPT) and Adrien Maigret (161rd at the PIF et 385rd at the WPT)

The two French pairs in the men's draw are respectively seeded (TS) 3 and 4 in the draw. Benjamin Tison is notably the highest ranked player on the table in the Fip ranking.

What opponents for our blues?


We have focused on the other 5 strongest nations of these European Games to have a clearer view of our medal chances.

The Spaniards have lined up very young pairs and not the ones we are used to seeing. However, the 4 teams all occupy the seeds (TS) 1 and 2 of the men's and women's tables:

  • Marta Barrera De La Fuente (31)rd in the Fip ranking and 36rd at the WPT) and Marta Caparros Maldonado (32rd in the Fip ranking and 35rd at the WPT)
  • Araceli Martinez Ibanez (42)rd in the Fip ranking and 42rd at the WPT) and Noa Canovas Paredes (44rd in the Fip ranking and 47rd at the WPT)
  • Alonso Rodriguez Martinez (127rd in the Fip ranking and 89rd at the WPT) and Pablo Garcia Rodrigo (110rd in the Fip ranking and 71rd at the WPT)
  • David Gala Sanchez (251rd in the Fip ranking and 81rd at the WPT) and Daniel Santigosa Sastre (238rd in the Fip ranking and 82rd at the WPT)


The Portuguese take respectively TS 5 and 6 in the men's draw and 7 and 8 in the women's with the highest ranked player in the draw: 

  • Margarida Fernandes (11)rd in the Fip ranking and 121rd at the WPT) and Catarina Santos (188rd in the Fip ranking and 154rd at the WPT)
  • Catarina Vilela (135)rd at the Fip and 144 at the WPT) Katia Rodrigues 665rd at Fip)
  • Afonso Fazendeiro (214)rd in the Fip ranking and 147rd at the WPT) and Miguel Oliveira (199rd in the Fip ranking and 551rd at the WPT)
  • Miguel DEUS (401rd in the Fip ranking and 551rd at the WPT) and Nuno Deus (401rd in the Fip ranking and 551rd at the WPT)


Belgium for its part occupies the TS 5 and 6 in the girls and 7 and 8 in the men's table. It will be represented by the following players:

  • Lena Wyckaert (94)rd in the Fip ranking and 100rd at the WPT) and An-Sophie Mestach (168rd in the Fip ranking and 175rd at the WPT)
  • Elyne Boeykens (212)rd in the Fip ranking and 230rd at the WPT) and Dorien Cuypers (230rd in the Fip ranking and 230rd at the WPT)
  • Maxime Deloyer (153rd in the Fip ranking and 233rd at the WPT) and Bram Coene (147rd in the Fip ranking and 333rd at the WPT)
  • François Azzola (714)rd in the Fip ranking and 233rd at the WPT) and Jerome Peeters (164rd in the Fip ranking and 233rd at the WPT)


Italy is seeded 3 and 4 in the women's table. It aligns very homogeneous teams:

  • Chiara Pappacena (64)rd in the Fip ranking and 76rd at the WPT) and Giulia Sussarello (41rd in the Fip ranking and 41rd at the WPT)
  • Giorgia Marchetti (77)rd in the Fip ranking and 78rd at the WPT) and Carolina Orsi (39rd in the Fip ranking and 31rd at the WPT)
  • Giulio Graziotti (268)rd in the Fip ranking) and Riccardo Sinicropi (115rd in the Fip ranking and 551rd at the WPT)
  • Simone Cremona (114rd in the Fip ranking and 551rd at the WPT) and Marco Cassetta (108rd in the Fip ranking and 333rd at the WPT)


Finally, the last strong nation is Sweden. Its teams will be composed of the following players:

  • Ajla Behram (424rd in the Fip ranking and 291rd at the WPT) and Amanda Girdo (92rd in the Fip ranking and 91rd at the WPT)
  • List Cornelia (224rd in the Fip ranking and 264rd at the WPT) and Baharak Soleymani (139rd in the Fip ranking and 154rd at the WPT)
  • Daniel Appelgren (515)rd in the Fip ranking and 309rd at the WPT) and Viktor Stjern (345rd in the Fip ranking and 199rd at the WPT)
  • Albin Olsson (353)rd in the Fip ranking and 204rd at the WPT) and Anton Andersson (246rd in the Fip ranking and 254rd at the WPT)

Thus, France has nothing to envy to other nations and could almost become a favorite as well as the nations designated for medals in this competition. You can find the match times below.

Published by
thomas jay