The FACE-à-FACE show offers you numerous interviews with French padel players every month on INSTAGRAM.

And we offer you some guests outside of padel like the former professional tennis player and captain of the French team Arnaud Clément and the handball world champion Valentin Porte.

Note that all our interviews are at 18 p.m.

April 2020

Our guests will be:

  • Thomas Leygue: French padel player and World Padel Tour - Monday April 20
  • Johan Bergeron: French padel champion and player of World Padel Tour - Wednesday April 22
  • Jérémy Scatena: 1st French to reach the top 100 of World Padel Tour - Monday April 27
  • Fiona Ligi: French padel player and player of the World Padel Tour - Wednesday April 29
  • Arnaud Clément: French padel player – former professional tennis player and former captain of the French tennis team – Thursday April 30

With tutorials every Friday at 18 p.m. from coach Julien Bondia. (Attention, the live will take place on facebook)

May 2020

Many guests with players, elected officials, brands and sportsmen outside of padel

  • Alix Collombon: French padel champion and 1st French player in the World Padel Tour - Monday May 4
  • Laurent Imbert: Coach of the France young men's team - Wednesday May 6
  • Lionel Ollinger: President of the Grand Est FFT league - Friday 8 May
  • Loïc Tap: Player and founder of GESTION SPORTS - Monday, May 11
  • Benjamin Tison: Vice-champion of France and player of World Padel Tour - Wednesday May 13
  • Valentin Porte: World champion of handball and padel player – Friday May 15
  • Mai Vo: Top French Padel Player – Tuesday May 19
  • Bastien Blanqué: French padel champion and player of World Padel Tour - Wednesday May 20
  • Léa Godallier: French padel player and player of the World Padel Tour - Monday May 25
  • Vincent Laureyssens: Director of the Open du World Padel Tour Belgium - Wednesday May 27


Monday618hLaura ClergueMonday418hAlix Collombon
TuesdayJulien Bondia
Wednesday818hJean-Michel PequeryWednesday6Laurent Imbert
Friday1018hJulien BondiaTUTORIALFriday8Lionel Ollinger
Monday13Jessica GinierMonday11Loïc Tap
Wednesday15Michael kusajWednesday13Benjamin Ember
Friday17Julien BondiaTUTORIALFriday1518hValentin Porte
Monday20Thomas Leygue18
Tuesday19Mai Vo
Wednesday22Johan BergeronWednesday20Bastien Blanqué
Friday24Julien BondiaTUTORIALFriday22
Monday27Jérémy ScatenaMonday25Léa Godallier
Wednesday29Fiona LigiWednesday27Vincent Laureyssens
Thursday30Arnaud ClementThursday28
Friday1Julien Bondia tutorialFriday29
Franck Binisti

Franck Binisti discovered padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since then, padel has been part of his life. You often see him touring France to cover major French padel events.