The French Tennis Federation has been highlighting young people for some time. Proof with payment padel 2017.
Among the developments in recent years, a great advance for the youngest: The possibility for 11 years and over to be able to participate in an Open tournament of padel normal approved by the FFT.
Indeed, the regulation stipulates that:
“The competitions of padel are open to players licensed at the FFT for the sports year in
courses, and aged 11 by the registration deadline set by the organizer. "
“Players who are authorized to take part in a tournament padel must have at least 11
by the registration deadline. "

For more information: The regulations padel 2017

The rule padel 2017

Franck Binisti

Franck Binisti discovers the padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since padel is part of his life. You often see him touring France going to cover the major events of padel French.