In an interview given to our colleagues at Trademarks, Sanyo Gutierrez addressed various current topics, such as the possible separation of Galan and Lebron: “As a player, I would say thank you, and as a spectator, I would tell them to stay together.”

The Spaniards, who spent three years at the top of the padel world, are having a particularly prolific end to the season, so as a player, the Argentinian says to himself that it is not worse for him if this pair no longer finds himself on his path. On the other hand, like many, he believes that these two players are so strong together that it would be a waste to see them stop.

Furthermore, “El Mago” also suggested a modification of the rules, in particular by proposing to increase the height of the sides to 4 meters. We already had heard this kind of argument, in people who favor a slower game.

Gutierrez also spoke about the emotional impact of playing 40 tournaments a year and his relief to return to a more normal rhythm: “If I had to have another year like this, I would really think about stopping/taking my retirement. Or only play a third of the tournaments, because it’s not normal to play 40 tournaments a year and see my children cry at every goodbye.” That's what it says!