Christophe Pradelle, Technical Director at PlayMoovin', is proud to be a partner of the international tournament padel armchair which is held at Casa Padel.

He tells us about a particular chair, at a modest price, which allows some to finally acquire a product adapted to the sport they practice.

“Armchairs for a population that does not have the financial means”

“We offer wheelchairs specially designed for initiation to wheelchair sports. Why this direction? Quite simply because we are targeting a population that does not always have the financial means necessary to acquire a specialized sports chair, the cost of which may be 3 to 6 times higher than that of those we offer. In our case, the cost of a chair for the padel amounts to approximately €1.

The idea behind this concept is to meet the needs of those who require a chair for their daily life, while offering them the possibility of practicing a sport.”

padel casa armchair padel

“Clubs rarely offer adapted wheelchairs”

“One of the major challenges for people with disabilities is not only to find a sport that suits them, but also to find an adapted chair. We found that clubs rarely offer wheelchairs adapted for people with disabilities.

Our chair is extremely durable, weather and sun resistant, and modular. We used the same manufacturing technique as for the canoes-kayaks: rotational molding. In addition, its practical design allows for quick assembly and easy storage in sports clubs.

The wheelchair initiative padel comes from two founders. The first, in contact with rugby clubs, was already repairing rugby chairs. The second was diagnosed with an illness that may require the use of a wheelchair. These two founders, Sébastien Passemard and Mickael Meyer, are the driving force behind this innovation.”

Franck Binisti

Franck Binisti discovers the padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since padel is part of his life. You often see him touring France going to cover the major events of padel French.