La fifth edition of the European Cup of Clubs Padel will take place du 7 10 octobre au 2021 à Malaga, at the Leon 13 club. Here is the press release from the organizing committee of the'European Association of Clubs Padel.

En 2021, the European Cup of Clubs Padel will enter a new dimension. 27 clubs from 15 different countries will compete from October 7 to 10 on the facilities of the Leon Club 13 and its 14 lighted courts.

Since the first edition in 2017 at Toulouse and the participation of 8 clubs, Paris 2018 which hosted 12
clubs, and finally Valencia 2019 which saw 16 clubs compete against each other, the Fifth Edition in Malaga promises to be unique, both in terms of the number of participants, and the quality of facilities and services.

9 pools from three clubs will, by their results, constitute the three tables of 9 clubs which
will determine the final ranking of all selections.

Faced with the success encountered during the pre-registrations, the organizers of the European Association of
Clubs Padel, plan to bring to 32 the number of clubs participating in the European Cup.

The clubs are represented by 1 pair of ladies, 1 pair of men and constitute 1 mixed pair:
3 matches per match.

Le padel has experienced strong growth in many European countries, hence the significant increase in the number of clubs. The countries represented could be: Belgium - Denmark - Spain - Finland - France - Italy - Malta - Morocco - Monaco - Norway - Netherlands - Portugal - Senegal - Sweden - Switzerland - Czech Republic - United Kingdom.

For more information, visit the website 

Information: contact @

T. francophile club: +33 662 448 785
or - T. welcome in: English - Spanish - Italian - Portuguese: +33 6 31 80 48 90

Closing of registrations: 30 June.

From his names, we can guess his Spanish and Italian origins. Lorenzo is a multilingual passionate about sports: journalism by vocation and events by worship are his two legs. He is the international gentleman of Padel Magazine. You will often see it on the various international competitions, but also on the major French events. @eyeofpadel on Instagram to see his best photos of padel !